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Prehistoric Planet Season 2 Trailer Shows Off Fresh CGI Dinosaurs

The second season of Apple TV+’s science-based dino show premieres on May 22.

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Gif: Apple TV+/Gizmodo

Prehistoric Planet showcases dinosaurs as the itchy, curious, clumsy, and vocal animals they were in life. Apple TV+ today released the teaser trailer for the scientific dinosaur show’s second season, which is set to debut on May 22.

Last year, for the first time, nature lovers were able to enjoy Sir David Attenborough’s dulcet tones describing planet Earth as no human ever saw it: during the age of the dinosaurs, over 66 million years ago.


Ahead of season one, Gizmodo spoke with Darren Naish, a paleozoologist who worked as the show’s chief scientific consultant, and Tim Walker, producer and showrunner, to discuss the mammoth (or shall we say sauropodic) undertaking. “This is a big thing for science nerds like myself,” Naish said at the time.If you see something weird in the background and you’re like ‘What was that? I want to see more of that.’ Stick around. Stick around and watch the rest of the series. Because if we’ve made a model of it, we’re not just going to have it as a background thing, are we?”

Prehistoric Planet — Season 2 Official Teaser | Apple TV+

Several species are confirmed for season two, including the large pterosaurs Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx, the feathered dinosaur Pectinodon, and the Indian sauropod Isisaurus. (In the Cretaceous Period, India was home to some of the largest dinosaurs to ever live.)

Over 1,500 paleoartists, CGI artists, dinosaur experts, and filmmakers put together the show’s first season, which featured animals like the pterosaur Hatzegopteryx stretching out on a sunny day and a male Carnotaurus trying (and failing) to get laid.

The dinosaurs were depicted as accurately as recent science allowed, fitting with the show’s goal of being a prehistoric version of Planet Earth, the BBC’s Attenborough-narrated hit nature documentary. That means that, instead of dinosaurs at their most ferocious (akin to much of dinosaur media), the animals were depicted as just that: animals, with all their quirks and foibles.


Theropods, for example, had lips, a fact showcased in the stoic Tyrannosaurus featured in the first season’s inaugural scene. Familiar behaviors present in modern animals (like competition among males during mating season, or a creature getting a back scratch from a nearby tree) were shown as they may have appeared in dinosaur species.

More details of the new season will likely drop soon, but for now we’ll be watching (and rewatching) the teaser.


More: These 13 Images Depict the Most Realistic CGI Dinosaurs Ever